
What our customers write about us

Nicole R

Dec 27, 2022

Michelle has helped me work through mental, physical, and spiritual ailments. She is truly amazing. If you are on the fence about trying her healing I would say try one session and you will be amazed. Nicole R.



Before doing this integration, I couldn’t stay on task very well and now I’m noticing once I get started, I can stay on task and finish what I was doing. Overall, I am happier and have been very motivated to get things done! I still have a long list of things I want to do, but this has helped me accomplish things I had put off for a very long time. We found a brain and heart disconnect. After clearing this I’ve felt so much love and forgiveness. I decided to place my hand over my heart and begin to forgive my past relationships that I hadn’t addressed in years. I called out their names and set an intention to release any unforgiveness from me to them and vice versa. I feel quite a bit calmer and notice I am not as reactive. Thank you, Marty.

Yuko H


I would like to report how I am doing and what I have noticed after the session. . . My ability to focus is much greater than before. My scattered mind was drawn back to the brain and I am at the present and I am able to focus like a laser beam and think clearly. It is a great state of mind. I have been releasing a great number of negative energies that do not serve me well right now. I realized there were a lot more than I expected to have. All these energy healings are helping me. I thank you again for letting me participate in your program. Yuko H

Ms Ariya Bliss


I am quite blown away at the synchronicities of Marty and I's sessions. I've done a lot of healing on myself and healing on others. Marty's intuition really guides him to zero in on what needs to be worked on and released. I've noticed a lot more clarity and ability to articulate my intentions and thoughts and clearly and vocalize them. One thing that really stood out was that a soup I have eaten for years I now feel an aversion to.  Looking forward to additional sessions. Ms Ariya Bliss, Certified Life Coach and Yoga Instructor

Claudia R


Be prepared! Marty will help change the way you interact with others and this world! I feel more connected with myself after a session with him than ever before. I have more appreciation and peace with who I am, with others, and with nature. My ability to understand and feel love, patience, hope and gratitude is reaching new heights. This experience has truly freed me to be my best self! Thank you, from my newly connected spirit and physical soul!. I think many lives will benefit from your work. Mine has! Claudia R

Charrel Morris


I scheduled a session with Marty because I was very curious about Emotion Code & Body Code. I was surprised by the ease of the work and gratified with the results. I look forward to working with him again and totally recommend him to anyone interested. Charel Morris, Quantum Energy Healer

Erica Berry


Thank you, Marty! This morning my neck seems calmer--the last week or so, it's felt itchy right when I wake up, but it's not today. I'll take that as a good sign! I appreciate you! Erica Berry Certified Emotion Code and Body Code Practitioner



 Michelle's intuition led her to the age and root of the cause of my problem and once that trauma was cleared my body quickly began healing itself. I am so grateful that I chose to do a session with you I will definitely be back for more. Thank you! 💖 …

Elke T.

Oct 15, 2022

I couldn’t be more excited about my progress from my sessions with Michelle! This was my first experience with this kind of treatment, I wasn't exactly sure how it was going to go. I initially wanted help with my daily headaches and tightness in my neck and shoulders. But felt like I got a lot more out of it then that . I had 3 sessions with Michelle , and within about 5 days of the first session I started feeling improvements. After the three, I felt AMAZING! I have never NOT had headaches , especially after my long work days. It’s been a few months and I’m still not experiencing any headaches AT ALL! I also have experienced numbness in my arms at night while I am sleeping , that improved alot also. I am so excited to see her again! I am a believer for sure!!! Elke T.

Christine Conley

March 1, 2022

Marty thought he would take a stab at helping one of our horses. Cholo has anhidrosis, which means he can't sweat correctly and over heats. With lots of research on this I read in several places it can spontaneously show up, as well as spontaneously be resolved, and we don't know why. Marty went to work and sent me amazing detailed reports on his discoveries and corrections. It took me a couple weeks to get a good ride on Cholo following his session as it is winter. In the cold and ice it takes a lot more activity to get a sweat, but that's exactly what happened! Cholo sweat better then he ever has! I was flat amazed! So, I went back to Marty with a great hope he would work on Wilson. He didn't disappoint and uncovered an awful lot of soreness on Wilson, and I am happy to say he is feeling really good! We are headed to Winnemucca next weekend for our first big race of the year, weather permitting , and I am so excited to get the opportunity to be his jockey at my favorite race of the year. I can't recommend Marty enough! I highly recommend him if you're dealing with issues with your horse, or yourself. Cheers for still learning and growing ! Thank God for the gifted people in your life !

Linda B. Riddle

August 2 2022

Marty tuned into my concerns quickly and uncovered emotions that were interfering with my ability to advance in my business. I can now see what was affecting my ability to move forward, and I can feel a huge shift in my confidence. Marty is truly passionate and confident about the Energy Healing work he does, I am deeply grateful for the Energy Healing Session. Thank you, Marty! Linda B. Riddle Transformation Coach and Energy Healer

Shari Shane

August 16, 2022

I feel light and free After working with Marty. I feel like my brain works better. I make decisions easier and more thoughtfully and I find that I'm able to walk through life happier and less worried! I find getting clearings on a consistent basis really helps keep my brain functioning! Marty is amazing!

Penny Schmiker


My session with Marty was so meaningful as he found things that I had inherited from my mother. After having the inherited baggage removed, I feel lighter and more centered. I would completely recommend working with Marty, he is truly a gifted healer.

Michelle M

April 1, 2022

Whenever I'm feeling off and need healing assistance I contact Marty. The sessions I've had with him are sometimes indescribable. I've gone from feeling defeated, frazzled & overloaded to feeling happy, clear and energized. I am truly grateful for your help Marty. I'm glad to have you in my corner! Thank You!

Annabelle Keil

Nov 11, 2022

Marty is thorough and his work is effective. I highly recommend him. He is a pleasure to work with.