Frequently Asked Questions

Who do you work with?

We work with the young at heart who struggle with their Heart and Brain connection. We help them experience life in a new dimension that integrates sensuality, thought and action.

What do you specialize in?

Our specialty is balancing the brain with the Spiritual heart. Realigning the heart and mind to work together.

Can trauma interfere with healing?

Yes definitely. Physical and or Emotional trauma can slow and interfere with the healing process. That is why it is so important to detect and clear negative energies from the body.

What if I’m already doing traditional brain integration therapy?

This will enhance and speed up your brain integration. By Removing the distortions in the brain that were caused by previous Emotional trauma this allows the brain to activate dormant areas of the brain and create new pathways. We then integrate and synchronize these individual parts back into the whole brain.

How does remote healing work?

Energy healing works over any distance it does not require a client to be physically present. Think of it this way: It’s kind of like love, you can love a person regardless of whether they are in the same room, the same town, living or passed on. During a healing session, we work with the person’s energy field, there is very little physical contact even if the person is in front of us. So, in a way, there is really no difference between an in-person session and a distance healing session. Your energy is unique to you, no one else has your energy imprint. Our brains and hearts have unique electromagnetic fields that identify us, that's how we remotely connect to you through the electromagnetic field. This is how we are able to work with anyone around the world.