Marty Sayers

As a child, Marty loved to watch a small spark catch and ignite the wood in a campfire, the wood in a fireplace and especially 4th of July fireworks. When he lived in the mountains with his wife and two children, they made big fires with log seating around the firepit where 15 to 20 people would gather to tell stories, share food, and play music. He was always the fire tender. School was hard for Marty though. He was told he was a dreamer and needed to work harder. He had trouble reading, writing and getting homework done. He had what later would be called learning disabilities. In his early years, he often felt ignored, shut down and frustrated.

As his quest for lighting a spark became more subtle, Marty became a teacher of Transcendental Meditation in his early twenties. He enjoyed watching people relax and reignite their spark for life. He later became certified to teach Educational Kinesiology and Brain Gym and found it satisfying to help people heal from the learning disabilities from which he himself had suffered. He went on to become a small business owner in a mountain town in Colorado. He raised a family there and participated in city government on the city council. He became certified as an Emotion Code and Body Code practitioner a few years ago and found he has reignited his love of working with people and animals, using tools and techniques which allow people to access their own innate healing potential.

Marty now uses the skills and training he has gathered to light the spark in people who feel stuck or frustrated, are in physical or emotional pain and who want more optimum functioning in their lives. He is passionate about helping people clear out negative beliefs and feelings caused by physical and emotional trauma. When these trapped energies are cleared from the brain and heart, life can become more enjoyable and satisfying. Marty's integrated brain has allowed him to easily help hundreds of clients find the results that they previously struggled to achieve. Marty invites you to see for yourself what you might be able to spark in your own life!

Michelle Moore

Michelle discovered the remarkable power of Energy Healing when she experienced recovery from years of chronic pain using these techniques.

After the tragic loss of her younger brother, in July of 1999, her chronic pain and discomfort surfaced. Doctor’s prescribed pain relief medications which did not work. She was treated by chiropractors, massage therapists,  health professionals and used various natural herbs and oils. Some of these treatments provided some relief, but it was always temporary.

Fortunately, at this point, Michelle’s massage therapist suggested she try the Emotion Code and her journey to alternative natural healing began. To her surprise, releasing trapped emotional energy not only helped her anxiety but she noticed her neck and back pain improving within a short period of time. Her results were so profound she knew her path was to help others achieve similar results and find relief from suffering. Michelle dedicated herself to education and training (including mastermind training) for Emotion Code and Body Code healing, and is fully certified for this care. Since this time, she is committed to sharing this healing with friends, family and clients who desire the freedom and joy that renewed health provides.

Michelle has transitioned from more than twenty years as a successful realtor in which she was able to connect with clients to help them find the perfect home. She now brings her ability of deep connection to clients and the skills and tools of energy healing to help people regain renewed health and relief from pain. She has used these tools to aid hundreds of clients in their own journeys to wellness. The natural energy at the heart of this practice can bring about transformative change, and she extends an invitation to those seeking wholehearted health and vitality to come and experience it for themselves.

Michelle’s good friend, co-healer, and business partner, Marty, share the same passion for natural healing. They were brought together by healing, prayer, God's grace, and the love for helping others. They soon learned their intuition and healing styles worked extremely well together and so a partnership was formed. Marty's knowledge and experience over the years with brain integration, Michelle’s feeling/healing heart intuition together they developed brain2heart integration. If you are not familiar with brain2heart integration, please set up a consultation so we may discuss this transformative treatment and determine if it’s recommended for you. Brain2Heart Integration helps all ages. Marty and Michelle are especially excited to help future generations.

Meet Michelle and Marty

Letting you know a bit about us
